Dedicated servers

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IPv4/v6 address
IPMI console for remote configuration
Basic technical support(we could help you with any advises)
Fully managed service(optional)
Quick and smart remote hands
Why dedicated servers are better for your project?
Dedicated servers offer several advantages that make them a preferable choice for certain projects. Here are some reasons why dedicated servers are often considered better for specific needs:

Enhanced Performance: Dedicated servers provide high-performance computing resources exclusively for your project. Unlike shared hosting or virtual private servers (VPS), where resources are shared among multiple users, dedicated servers ensure that all system resources, including processing power, memory, and storage, are dedicated to your project alone. This exclusivity translates into better performance, faster response times, and improved overall efficiency.

Greater Reliability: With dedicated servers, you have full control over the server environment, allowing you to optimize it for your specific project requirements. This control extends to the choice of hardware, software configurations, security measures, and other aspects. By eliminating the potential impact of other users' activities on the server, you can enhance reliability and minimize the risk of performance bottlenecks or downtime caused by resource-intensive applications running on the same server.

Scalability and Flexibility: Dedicated servers offer scalability options that allow you to adapt resources to your project's evolving needs. As your project grows, you can easily upgrade the server's hardware, such as adding more RAM, storage, or increasing processing power, to accommodate increasing demands. This scalability ensures that your project can handle higher traffic, data volumes, or complex computations without experiencing performance issues.

Enhanced Security: Security is a critical consideration for many projects. With dedicated servers, you have greater control over security measures and can implement customized security configurations to protect your data and applications. As the only user of the server, you reduce the risk of security breaches caused by other users' activities or vulnerabilities in shared hosting environments. Additionally, you can apply strict access controls, firewalls, encryption, and other security practices tailored to your project's specific requirements.

Improved Customization: Dedicated servers offer a high degree of customization. You have the freedom to install and configure the software, operating system, and applications that best suit your project's needs. This level of customization enables you to optimize the server environment, fine-tune performance, and utilize specific tools or frameworks required by your project.

Better Privacy and Compliance: In certain industries or projects that handle sensitive data, privacy and compliance requirements are paramount. Dedicated servers provide an isolated and private hosting environment, ensuring that your data and applications are not exposed to other users. This isolation can simplify compliance with data protection regulations, industry-specific standards, or internal security policies.

It's important to note that dedicated servers may not be necessary or cost-effective for all projects. Smaller websites or applications with limited resource requirements may find shared hosting or VPS options sufficient. The decision to choose dedicated servers depends on factors such as project size, anticipated traffic, resource needs, security requirements, and budget considerations.